
This week in our neighborhood, we saw the long-awaited pop of yellow. Forsythia blossoms! They’re a beautiful, tangible sign of springtime. Nature’s showy celebration of renewal, and a reminder of the resilience of nature. Nature renews herself after a long winter and chilly early spring weather.

Daffodils blossomed here in mid-March. They seemed to jump out of the ground on those first few warm days. When chilly temperatures and snow returned, the daffodils bowed their heads and looked as though they were huddling together, shielding themselves from the wind. As the sunshine and warmth returned this week, their faces turned again to the sun, brightly bobbing in the spring breeze.

I take hope in the resilience of nature. As with nature, each of us may be faced with conditions that are less than ideal, and conditions that may be unpredictable. We may be faced with storms of uncertainty and adversity. Resilience is part of our nature, too. As with forsythia and daffodils, we may have reserves to draw from. There are ways to foster resilience in ourselves, and I’ve learned from experience that it can be really helpful to intentionally foster those reserves.

When I consider resilience, I consider mind, body and spirit. Some practices that I’ve found to be helpful are getting some daily exercise, experiencing nature and placing myself in the presence of God.

If you don’t already have an exercise routine, seek guidance from your trusted medical professionals. If you’re already physically fit, give yourself permission to take breaks throughout your day to stretch or to walk as a healthy self-care practice. Getting out in nature can ground us and nurture our emotional well-being. If you have a foundation in faith, consider how you may integrate spirituality in your day. It could be as simple as pausing to pray or reflect when you’re transitioning from one task to another. Or setting a reminder in your electronic device. Connecting with spirit could be as simple as pausing to reflect about something beautiful or funny that you observed in your day.

As intelligent beings, we have consciousness, and can foster resilience in mind, body and spirit by consciously choosing to do so. Enjoy this beautiful day.


Emotional Intelligence

