Public Speaking

Jenny Davies Coaching Strategies Public Speaking for Conferences and Events

Sprinkle some excitement into your next speaking engagement with Jenny Davies! Picture this: a journey into emotional intelligence with improv magic, navigating change with a dash of thoughtfulness, and career inspiration served with a side of panel pizzazz. Jenny's sessions are not just talks; they're interactive adventures packed with wisdom and laughter. Whether you're diving into healthcare leadership or learning the art of sharing news with a patient's perspective, Jenny's got the perfect blend of expertise and fun. Choose Jenny for an event that's not just informative but an absolute blast! Your audience will thank you for the vibrant, engaging, and transformative experience she brings to the stage. Please reach out to invite me to speak at your next conference!

Speaking Engagement &

Conference Topic Examples

  • How would you like to have better communication with your teams? Join Jenny for a lighthearted, playful experience to learn how applied improvisation builds emotional intelligence. During the interactive session, we'll explore emotional self- regulation and learn to better recognize non-verbal communication. Together, we'll explore what it's like to release judgment, embracing the "Yes, And" spirit of improvisation. During the session, with attendee participation, we'll demonstrate some improv games and share some laughter. We'll explore several concepts from applied improvisation: Slow Down/Notice More, "Yes, And", Quiet Your Judgmental Voice and Failing With Grace. Build resilience for challenging situations. Become a more intuitive listener. Learn to better read the emotions of others and to respond with greater awareness and compassion. Whether you're a seasoned leader or at the beginning of your leadership journey, this session will help you to develop your communication skills. Learning Objectives – Upon completion, participants will be able to describe emotional self-regulation; describe one or more concepts from applied improvisation; better recognize non-verbal emotional clues; recognize intuitive listening; discern a more emotionally intelligent response to a challenging interaction.

    Alternatively, this could be presented as a one-hour talk followed by a one-hour workshop. During the workshop, participants will try out some of the applied improv exercises together, and we’ll take time together to reflect on the experience.

  • Jenny will lead an interactive presentation on Change Management guided by frameworks which are backed by research from the disciplines of professional coaching, applied improvisation, positive psychology and professional change management. Learn how to embrace and enjoy change and how to make change a positive experience for the teams that you lead. Learning Objectives – Upon Completion participants will be able to describe one or more strategies for managing self; describe two frameworks for change management; describe one or more strategies for managing others through change.

  • The presentation is a fantastic way to share stories to inspire audience members to see themselves succeeding in their careers. Audience members will be captivated by the session. Jenny serves as moderator of a panel of professionals, expertly guiding the conversation, as panelists share stories from their career paths. The presentation is customizable to the organization and the industry it serves. In planning for the session, the career spotlight is intended to feature a diverse group of panelists, representing an array of career paths within the respective field. We'll start with lighter moments and learn a bit about each person’s special interests and talents, as they share what they do to relax, refresh and renew. Each panelist is asked to share an early experience in their career and how they grew in their career. Panelists share stories about mentors who helped along the way. Learning Objective – Upon completion, audience members will be inspired to take action in learning more about career pathways and moving forward in their careers with renewed purpose and intention.

    This presentation could be refined to a one-hour presentation followed by a one-hour storytelling workshop. During the workshop, participants will work through telling their own career stories and reflecting on the experience.

  • When leaders in hospitals and health care settings make intentional connections with patients and families, the results lead to improved patient satisfaction and build trust with patients and family members. Jenny shares stories of leadership rounding from her perspective as a healthcare leader and from her perspective as a patient. Jenny brings in concepts of effective communication, both verbal and non-verbal, drawing from applied improvisation and energy leadership frameworks. Participants will gain solid take-aways for refining communication styles that they can put into action right away. Learning Objectives – upon completion participants will be able to describe their deeper understanding of aligning non-verbal and verbal messages; describe one or more non-verbal communication cues.

  • Through personal stories, Jenny will share some examples of bad news that she received as a patient, and will draw out lessons for enhancing communication between caregiver and patient. Jenny invites participants to consider nonverbal communication as well as the narrative being shared. Caregivers will be inspired to become more intentional about their communication styles as a way to enhance patient experience and to build trust with patients and family members. Learning Objectives – upon completion participants will be able to describe/demonstrate one or more non-verbal cues; describe the impact on the patient and family of the caregiver aligning verbal and non-verbal communication.